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Monthly Archive: October 2023

Metal Pergola Kits — Purple Leaf Louvered Pergola

The Purple Leaf Louvered DIY pergolas build is a popular metal pergola kit known for its louvered roof design, which allows you to control sunlight and shade in your outdoor space. Here are some details about the Purple Leaf Louvered Pergola:


  • Louvered Roof: The standout feature of this pergola is its adjustable louvered roof. The louvers can be rotated to control the amount of sunlight and shade, making it a versatile and all-weather outdoor space.
  • Sturdy Metal Construction: The pergola is constructed from durable and weather-resistant aluminum, making it low-maintenance and long-lasting.
  • Remote Control: It often comes with a remote control that allows you to adjust the position of the louvers, so you can create the ideal amount of shade and ventilation.
  • Drainage System: Some models include a built-in drainage system to manage rainwater effectively, preventing it from pooling on the roof.
  • Powder-Coated Finish: The aluminum is typically coated